What does it take to turn against the tide of normalcy and social conditioning and to forge your own path?
My brilliant colleague Natasha Stanley has written a great piece on the Careershifters website on what she calls the "Renegade Mindset", and how to cultivate it for career change:
"Renegade is ownership and self-expression – claiming your identity and your dreams as valid and real, and giving them life outside of your surreptitious daydreams."
I'm particularly fascinated in the #mindset aspect of career change and how we can better prepare ourselves to make a successful shift, overcoming our internal resistances and self-sabotaging tendencies.
So I loved the very practical advice here such as...
💡 Systematically naming and challenging your assumptions
💡 Taking yourself on secret dates on your own to make yourself "wildly, unapologetically happy"
💡 Reaching out to others who have broken the mould and asking them for a conversation so you can draw on their inspiration.
How do YOU ensure you stay true to what matters?