Toxic employers have a LOT to answer for...

Every day, I'm speaking to people who...

... have become physically sick because of work.
... are being kept awake at night with worry.
... have zero social life anymore.
... have lost touch with themselves and what they like.
... are feeling like they're failing those around them.

Some of the ways they say work is triggering these symptoms include:

🙁 Unrealistic expectations about what can be achieved.
🙁 Zero autonomy or flexibility in how they can get the work done.
🙁 Bullying behaviour from colleagues.
🙁 Unsupportive line managers.
🙁 Blame culture and even, in some cases, ritual humiliation of those who don't measure up.

Despite hearing these stories on a daily basis, I continue to be shocked at how employees are treated and what they feel they need to put up with to keep their jobs.

Life is beautiful and precious. A career has the capacity to feel joyful and a profound contribution.

If you're experiencing any of this at work, it's NOT OKAY. I understand the many reasons you may feel trapped right now, but I want to say, you don't have to take this.