The call of the wild...

I used to feel like a caged animal on sunny days like today.

Cooped up in an air-conditioned enclosure, I longed to prowl free in the fresh air.

I’d gaze out of the office window at the big wide world beyond and dream of jumping into freshwater lakes and walking barefoot across a meadow.

I felt like I was wasting my “one wild and precious life” in work that didn’t feel meaningful to me and that brought me no joy.

Now, I feel so grateful to be able to help other people who, like the old me, feel trapped and unfulfilled, giving them hope that change is possible.

The people I work with are wild animals in captivity, disconnected from the parts of life that make them feel alive, and wondering if their feelings are valid or if they are crazy to want more from life and work.

As Glennon Doyle says in “Untamed” – “You are not crazy. You’re a goddamn cheetah.”

Wherever you are in your career, and whatever stage of life, you can break free. It’s never too late to seek the sunlight and find more fulfilling work.