The REAL meaning of success... and how to achieve it

Following my last blog about embracing failure, I was moved to write a few words about success - and how this too has been misinterpreted in our culture, in a way that really doesn't serve us and our happiness. 

I write these words from a fancy 5 star hotel in Rajasthan that I’m currently living in with my boyfriend (his work is paying for it!), which is a very new experience for me. I’m more used to crumbling guest houses with damp in the walls, or maybe a “shabby chic” beach hut if I’m lucky (in Thailand we managed to land a DREAM beach house but it did also have walls full of termites and cockroaches!)

Being in this shiny, perfumed paradise, with a massive bed like a cloud and every need catered for is, of course, lovely but the novelty is wearing off.

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