Whether or not you have children, there’s been a distinct “back to school” feeling this week. The morning air’s a little chillier, the supermarkets have all ramped up their stationery aisles, and there’s a general sense of the Summer fun coming to an end and that it’s time to get serious again.
When you’re unhappy in your work and wanting a change, this time of year is particularly laden with significance.
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How would you judge your actions over the past 12 months? Did they bring you pleasure or pain? Success or failure? Happy connections or conflict? What was the impact you had on those around you and the wider world?
Yesterday was Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, and although I’m not a practicing Jew, I was struck by an article my mum sent me suggesting a more progressive interpretation of the festival.
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Your alarm sounds and what’s the first thing that enters your mind? Not excitement at the promise of a brand new 24 hours on this planet, but instead a sinking heart and despair at the thought of yet another day in the office…
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One of the big challenges I see my career change clients facing is finding the time and energy to make the leap when their existing work life is so draining. Often that’s the very reason they want to make a change, but it’s also the reason they haven’t yet made it.
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When it comes to managing our lives, and especially our careers, we can be so terribly, and stiflingly earnest. It’s like it’s this serious weighty problem we have to solve, and that the only way to solve it is to spend all our time making To Do lists and five year plans, and screwing up our foreheads and trying to come up with the most effective, efficient, sensible, pragmatic, responsible life choices. In other words, we feel like we have to be an ‘adult’ – and that this means leaving behind the playful, exploratory, intuitive way we went about our lives as children.
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Inner peace… a hippy cliché, wildly unattainable in the modern world of Instagram and 24/7 connectedness, or a genuine practical possibility?
Having recently returned from a 10 day silent meditation retreat in the Himalayas, I’m actually inclined to believe the latter, although I admit I’m not quite there yet myself…
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Following my last blog about embracing failure, I was moved to write a few words about success - and how this too has been misinterpreted in our culture, in a way that really doesn't serve us and our happiness.
I write these words from a fancy 5 star hotel in Rajasthan that I’m currently living in with my boyfriend (his work is paying for it!), which is a very new experience for me. I’m more used to crumbling guest houses with damp in the walls, or maybe a “shabby chic” beach hut if I’m lucky (in Thailand we managed to land a DREAM beach house but it did also have walls full of termites and cockroaches!)
Being in this shiny, perfumed paradise, with a massive bed like a cloud and every need catered for is, of course, lovely but the novelty is wearing off.
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It’s weird but I feel kind of nervous sitting down to write about this topic… I have a sick, heavy feeling in my stomach right now and a thudding heart. And yet, I know that I can’t allow myself to run away from the prospect of failure yet again. Not this time.
If you’re anything like me, you’ll have grown up believing that failure is something to be avoided at all costs.
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Wouldn’t it be amazing if you never had to work again?
I know I’ve chosen quite a ‘click-bait’y type heading there, and I promise this is not going to be some kind of pyramid-scheme sell where I offer you a UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY to make a MILLION DOLLARS in three easy steps!!! For a start, if we genuinely had enough money that we never had to work again, we might not find it the golden ticket we’d hoped for...
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Searching for that ‘aha’ moment when you want to change career but don’t know what you want to do can feel like having your head in one of those 'Chinese Finger Traps' - the more you try and work your way out of it, the more constrictive and painful it feels...
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As the great man, Bowie, said: "Turn and face the strange, Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes" and this feels particularly resonant to me as I prepare, this week, for a major change in my working life, leaving London to work remotely in Asia as a ‘Digital Nomad’. As I left my office at the university on Wednesday, I was a bit sad to leave lovely colleagues behind but the overwhelming feeling was of excitement at the uncertainty and sense of possibility this new life brings.
Which got me thinking about change, and the very different emotions it can bring up in you.
And more specifically about the difference between big life changes you’ve chosen and ones you haven’t...
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So often, when I see people struggle in the process of finding fulfilling work, it's nothing to do with external circumstances and everything to do with what's going on in their minds....
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I've been blogging on and off for a while now, in various guises (I'll let you dig around and find the other online versions of me!), but have recently decided to bring it all together here on my new website.
Here I'll be sharing my musings on the stuff I really actually massively care about, namely: how to lead a happy, mindful and fulfilled life...
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